Jobs for Auditors, Company Secretaries, and Corporate Treasurers in Australia


Jobs for Auditors and Corporate Treasurers Company Secretaries in Australia conduct audits of accounting systems, procedures and financial statements, manage corporate funding and financial risk, and administer and review corporate compliance activities.

Skill Level:

Most occupations in this unit group have a bachelor’s degree or skill level with a higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and / or on-the-job training may be required in addition to formal qualifications. In the case of corporate treasurers and company secretaries, a minimum of 5 years of relevant experience could also be a substitute for formal qualification (ANZSCO skill Level 1).
Registration or licensing may be required.

Task included:

  • Attending directors and shareholders’ meetings and giving notice.
  • Advising the Governing Board of organizations concerning compliance with stock exchange listing rules, relevant legislation and corporation practice.
  • Monitoring the share capital of organizations to prepare documents and share issues and deal with shared transfers.
  • Controlling treasury and treasury systems and establishing and reviewing risk management objectives and treasury policies
  • Identification, management and reporting of financial risks
  • Assisting in issues of equity management, debt management, securities and taxation planning
  • Collecting, analyzing and interpreting information about the financial condition, cost structures and business effectiveness of organizations
  • Prepare, rearrange and install computer-based systems such as budgetary cost control and other accounting systems
  • To audit and investigate and prepare financial statements and reports for management, shareholders, and governing and statutory bodies.
  • Evaluating the cost effectiveness and risks of operating procedures, activities, policies and systems
  • Reporting to management on the existence and effectiveness of the system of internal control
  • Establishing audit objectives, and designing and implementing audit methods, procedures and audit report criteria


  • Company Secretary (221211 ) – Planning, administration and review of company compliance activities and effective follow associated with company board conferences and shareholdings, guaranteeing all business matters and transactions are managed and implemented.
  • Corporate Treasurer (221212 ) – Manages corporate funding, liquidity and financial risk associated with profitable growth and operations of an organization. May include acquisitions, disposals and joint ventures. Registration or licensing may be required.
  • External Auditor(221213 ) –  Designs and operates data and reporting systems, processes, and controls to fulfill external financial reporting necessities. Registration or license required.
  • Internal Auditor (221214 ) – Investigates, verifies, evaluates and reports on money, operational and social control processes, systems and results to confirm money, operational and integrity and compliance, and business process reviews, risk assessments, developing deliverable and reporting progress against results .

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