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Total 3,400 invitations to apply are issued in the Canada\’s First Express entry draw of 2020 to apply for Canadian PR.
The minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score required to receive an invitation in this draw was 473.
Canada’s main three categories are managed under the Express Entry System are:-
Candidates are ranked in the pool based on the CRS that considers 4 main factors:-
- Age
- Education
- Skilled work experience
- Proficiency in English or French
Additional CRS points are given to a Candidate if the candidate is having a job offer although it is now required to be eligible for Express Entry Invitation.
Highest ranked Candidates are invited to apply for Canada Permanent residence through Express Entry Draws from the pool. These Invitations round take place in every 2 weeks.
The minimum CRS score depends on factors including the number of candidates in the Express Entry pool, the time between draws and the number of ITAs issued.
The target for new permanent resident admissions through the three federal high-skilled programs is tending to increase to 85,800 this year.
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The target for Canada’s Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), a portion of which is also managed by the Express Entry system, is set to rise to 67,800 in 2020.
Enhanced PNP streams are also linked to Express entry draw which includes 9 Canadian provinces and 2 territories.
Many of these have lower or even no CRS score requirement.These streams allow participating provinces and territories to select Express Entry candidates and invite them to apply for a provincial nomination for Canadian permanent residence.
Express Entry candidates who get a provincial nomination receive an extra 600 points toward their CRS score and are effectively secured an ITA.
This draw was slightly larger than the previous invitation round held December 19, which issued 3,200 ITAs. The minimum CRS score was also up compared to the December 19 draw, which had a cut-off score of 469.
The higher minimum score in today’s draw could be explained by the fact a total of 20 days elapsed between these invitation rounds. When more than two weeks pass between draws, the minimum score has a tendency to rise.
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Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) applied a tie-break time and date of December 27, 2019, at 13:35:09 UTC in this draw. This means that all candidates with a score of 473 who submitted their profile before this date and time received an ITA.