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3,294 invitations to apply are issued in the new Express Entry draw on April 9, 2020, and the minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score in this round was 464.
This rare second draw within the same day saw the lowest minimum CRS score requirement since October 2019.
Today’s draw was the fourth consecutive program-specific Express Entry draw and the second one in less than a month to specifically target candidates in the Canadian Experience Class, which is open to foreign nationals with at least one year of work experience in Canada, among other criteria.
Earlier today, Canada also invited 606 Express Entry Provincial nominee program candidates to apply for Canadian permanent residence.
Canada’s main three categories are managed under the Express Entry System are: –
Candidates are ranked in the pool based on the CRS that considers 4 main factors: –
- Age
- Education
- Skilled work experience
- Proficiency in English or French
Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) applied a tie break rule in today’s draw; candidates had to have submitted their profiles before January 4, 2020, at 12:16:45 UTC. This means that all candidates with CRS scores above 464, as well as those with scores of 464 who entered their profile in the Express Entry pool before this date and time, received an ITA.
Canada welcomed 341,000 newcomers in 2019. It is targeting the admissions of 341,000 immigrants in 2020, an additional 351,000 in 2021, and another 361,000 in 2022.