3,900 candidates received ITA (Invitation to apply) under Express Entry Pool- 2nd Oct 2019

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Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held their latest express draw on October 2nd 2019, invited a total 3,900 candidates from Express Entry pool to apply for Canada permanent resident visa from Foreign Countries.

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ITA (Invitation to apply) has increased by 300 candidates over the past September draw. This time Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has sent invitation to 3900 candidates under Express Entry program. Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) invited 3,900 Express Entry candidates to apply for Canadian permanent residence was on January 23, 2019.

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Express Entry Program is a point-based system that manages the profiles of the candidates who want to move to Canada under any of the below three major skilled economic programs like:

Candidate has to submit their profile into Express Entry pool. Candidate will be ranked according to the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of all the peers existing in the pool. TheComprehensive Ranking System (CRS) will be evaluation on the basis of Age, Education, Experience, Language and adaptability. Only those candidates can apply for the Canada Permanent Resident visa whose profile is available in the Canada occupation list 2019. The highest-ranked candidates are invited to apply for Canadian permanent residence during regular draws from the pool.

Calculate your CRS score for Canada Immigration in 2019 with the help of CRS calculator!!!

Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) has been reduced by 1 point this time in the Express Entry Latest draw. It means that the candidates, who have entered in the express pool before the used time stamp and have the minimum CRS score of 462 points, were issued the ITAs in the latest express draws.

If maintained over the final quarter of 2019, the increased draw size could help IRCC surpass its single-year ITA record of 89,800 invitations that was set last year.

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The higher cut-off score in today’s draw may reflect a larger number of Express Entry candidates with a provincial nomination, which rewards candidates with an additional 600 CRS points.

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  1. Saskatchewan provincial nominee program
  2. Manitoba provincial nominee program
  3. Nova Scotia provincial nominee program
  4. Ontario provincial nominee program
  5. Prince Edward Island (PEI) provincial nominee program

Since the last Express Entry draw on September 18, province nomination program has targeted a huge number of Express Entry candidates.

  • Saskatchewan invited 404 candidates to apply for a provincial nomination on September 26.Saskatchewan occupation list 2019
  • Manitoba also held a draw inviting 15 Express Entry candidates to apply for a provincial nomination on September 25.Manitoba Occupation list 2019
  • Alberta held a draw aligned with Express Entry on September 18, inviting candidates with CRS scores of 350 and up. Earlier this month, on September 11, Alberta issued invitations to candidates with scores as low as 302.Alberta Occupation List 2019
  • Nova Scotia selected 22 carpenters out of the Express Entry pool through the Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities Stream.Nova Scotia Occupation List 2019
  • Prince Edward Island issued 122 invitations through its Express Entry aligned program, as well as its Labour Impact and Business Work Permit streams. The province did not provide a breakdown of how many were Express Entry, nor what the score requirement was.

World overseas immigration Consultancy can help you to get PR visa for Canada & Australia. You can come in the office directly for any immigration process query. But it will be beneficial for you complete your free assessment visa form before the meeting. So that the consultant has all the knowledge about your profile and he can guide you properly.


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