How To Get Job offer In Canada from India 2020

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Tired of searching how to get job in Canada from India? We will help you out.

Here is the full step by step process how you can get a job in Canada, So let's start

Canadian identity refers to the unique culture, characteristics and condition of being Canadian, as well as the many symbols and expressions that set Canada and Canadians apart from other peoples and cultures of the world. The work culture in Canada is highly diverse and strong just like the one that we have in India.  Hence, most of the Indians find it easier to shift to Canada and seek employment as the professionalism is on similar lines to some extent. Most of the people shift to the land of possibilities for the reason of professional empowerment and hence a promise of lucrative job can be beneficial from both personal and professional point of views.

Canada is a dream country of every Indian, Everyone in India wants to settle in Canada after their studies or before studies. They want to settle in Canada with their families. But everyone cannot get job in Canada. Canada is a developed country so the country is very particular about the individuals those are entering in the country.

Before this thought comes to your mind whether “I can get job in Canada” make sure you are aware about the rules and the process of Canada. Many people in India they will be wasting their time by searching for the job from India without any Visa. since the employers in Canada prefer the candidates who are readily available for immigration and applying to an immigration program, So before applying for any job directly or applying through a consultancy, everyone has be aware that employer will never take interview or provide offer letter if the candidate does not hold permanent resident visa.

The best way to move to Canada is only one, that is under Canada PR (Permanent resident) visa. Permanent resident visa is the best and easiest way to move to Canada. This is the very safe way for immigration rather than opting for a work permit for Canada.

Candidate should be aware about the Canada immigration visa process very well. Canada Permanent Resident visa process has been very short process now through Express Entry programme. So before you could think about the process, you need to be aware that you can get the job in Canada only when you are holding a valid visa which is Permanent Resident visa for Canada.

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Looking for Better Career growth:

Unlike some foreign countries, you do not need a job offer to immigrate to Canada. There are programs available for you that allow you to apply for permanent residency in Canada without securing employment beforehand. You can apply for permanent residence if you are considered a Skilled Worker according to the Eligibility criteria for Canada. Employment in Canada can help in leading a successful life and helping aspirants carve a dream of living in Canada.  High levels of professionalism and upward growth in every sector mark the market position of Canadian employment and hence it is one of the most sorts after location in the world. As of now, there is huge concentration of Indians in the IT sector and management roles in Canada and they are prolifically settled in their respective job roles.

Canada is extensively prolific when it comes to employment and growth opportunities. There are various job options that are available for people of different streams and what makes these jobs more lucrative is the combination of growth prospects and salary package. And, the smart way to migrate to Canada is through a Permanent Residency (PR) Status.

Among the long list of benefits that Permanent residency (PR) Status of Canada provides one stands out at the most supreme is the right to live, study and work anywhere in Canada. Some people in order to avoid paperwork opt for work permit or temporary visa which might seem easier at first but it doesn’t hold long term benefits.

PR status is advantageous in the long run and has benefits of free healthcare, free education and provides the right to work to the migrants. The minimum IELTS score requirement is an overall band of 6.5, with no band below 6.0. Applicants for Undergraduate Nursing programs: IELTS 7, with at least 6.5 in reading and listening and at least 7 in writing and speaking. IELTS is not compulsory for the person who is going as a dependent. No IELTS is not compulsory for Spouse under express entry PR Visa for Canada. As express entry system is based on the your points score, it is fine if you have the luxury to forgo the points that you may have if your spouse has done his/her IELTS

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If you score lower than the pass mark of 67 points, you won't qualify to immigrate to Canada as a federal skilled worker. Minimum 67 points is mandatory if you want to qualify to applying for Federal Skilled Worker category under Express Entry Program. You need to have 67 points under FSW to become eligible for Canada Immigration under Express Entry. Permanent residency (PR) Status of Canada means that the candidate will be able to work and live in Canada with similar benefits that a Canadian citizen allows.  Having a PR status of Canada is similar to having a green card in America. Working on a work permit can make a candidate loose a good opportunity and a hob when it expires but that is not the case in the case of a PR status of Canada. Further, since Permanent Residency (PR) Status is allotted to the candidate after careful analysis of the candidature, the employers also consider the PR status Candidate to safe and as a proof of the validation of the physical and mental health of the candidate. It then acts like a trust document for the employer that the candidate is skilled and capable of working.

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Here is the steps and procedure to find jobs and immigrate to Canada.

  • Get your Education credential done
  • Obtain Language Proficiency Certification (obtain your language certification from a recognized language testing institution)

  • Prepare your Resume and Covering Letter (Prepare your Resume and covering letter keeping in mind the Canadian Employers and job market)
  • Once the Educational Credential is done and the result is positive, create your profile in Express Entry pool and submit an EOI.IRCC (Immigration Refugee Citizenship Canada) allocate the points (called CRS Score) to your profile based on the details, such as, Education, Work Experience, Language Ability, etc.
  • Candidate has to wait the ITA (Invitation to apply). You will be given a score and ranked against others in the pool.
  • Once ITA is received, candidate can file for visa
  • Apply for Jobs in Canada: Once you receive Permanent Resident Card it’s time to apply for the jobs in Canada through Job links, consultancies etc. You can also apply directly to the website of the organizations/industries, matching your profile.
  • After getting the job, Candidate can fly for Canada and settle there with family.

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  • Express Entry Program
  • Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)
  • Quebec Skilled Workers Program (QSWP)
  • Express Entry Program –The best and the most convenient way to migrate out of three is Express Entry Program in which the eligibility of the candidate is determined by the point measurement basis and the points are calculated using the comprehensive ranking system tool which lists the candidate’s capabilities on the basis of Age, language, education and work experience. Under Federal Skilled Workers Program (FSWP) which is a sub category of the express entry program the candidate can immigrate to Canada if he / she has a total of 67 points or above in the CRS system.
  • Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) – For the Provincial Nominee Program or PNP the eligibility for every province is different and the candidate is provided with the PR status only when the eligibility for that particular province is met. The PR status acquired is for that province only and the occupation in demand in that region is also taken into consideration at the time of evaluation.
  • Quebec Skilled Workers Program (QSWP) – Under this program, the PR status for the Quebec region is acquired and in this process first the Approval is sought from the Quebec province and after that the approval is sought by the federal government.The candidates should remember that however it is not important that one should have a job for immigration to Canada it allots extra points to the candidate with the job offer. Migration can also happen without the job offer just that the candidate should meet the eligible requirements for Permanent Residency (PR) status of Canada.

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Express Entry Program acting as a portal for Canada Jobs from India

There are a lot of job opportunities in Canada few and most popular jobs are mention here and rest you can check on Canada Occupation list

  • Job opportunities for Nurses :- Nurses are high in Demand in Canada due to fewer sources. So if the applicant has done BSC/MSC/GNM with minimum 2 years of experience can easily move to Canada with their family and dependents and settle there. And after completing 3 years in Canada they can even apply for citizenship in Canada and being a Citizen of Canada they can Move to US also. There are few provinces where Nurses is in Demand on the high bases. Read More
  • Employment for Indian Dentist:- Dentist, Assistant Dentist are in high demand in Canada, so If any person who has done either BDS or MDS with minimum 2 years of experience and easily move to Canada with their family and settle there. Ontario and Manitoba PNP has very high demand of dentist and have many job opportunities in Canada from India. Read More
  • Demands for Chartered Accountants :- The minimum requirement for this profile is either CA or CS. Canada Job Market for this profile is highly in demand for provinces like British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. Read More
  • Work availability for Software Engineers :- The Job Market for this profile is highly in demand in Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Ontario.
  • Canada opportunities for Healthcare Managers :– Healthcare managers are in high demand in Canada. The minimum requirement for this profile as per Canada job market is MBBS or MD. 2 years of Experience is must to apply for this job and visa. Employment opportunities for Doctors are prolifically present in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Ontario. Read more.
  • CANADA PR for Teachers & Professors :–  Teachers & Professors those who has done Masters or PHD can easily get the Canada PR visa within 6 or 8 8 months. The Job Market for this profile is highly in demand in Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan. Read More
  • Jobs for Architecture in Canada :- Due to the favorable market opportunities they are highly in demand in Ontario, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.  For more information read more
  • Canada jobs for Web Developer from India : Web Developers are in high demand in Canada under PR visa.
  • Jobs for Physiotherapist in Canada :- Physiotherapist with minimum 3 years of experience can easily settle in Canada. The minimum education required for physiotherapist is BPT or MPT with a repudiated University.  Read More
  • Canada jobs for Hospitality :- Hospitality is vast when it’s come to immigration. People those who falls under Hospitality like Chef, Restaurant Managers, F&B Managers, Cook, Commie, and Steward & Captain etc. are in high in Demand in all the Countries and Canada is one of them. According to the Occupation List of Canada PR who is meeting the Minimum criteria decided by CIC and IRCC. Read More
  • Canada jobs for IT Engineers :- IT & Non IT engineers are in high demand in Canada according to the occupation list of Canada PR. Read More
  • A requirement of Financial Analyst :-  Assistant financial analyst, financial analyst, investment analyst, securities analyst are in high demand in Canada. Read More
  • Jobs for HR manager :- HR manager, executive, recruitment specialist, recruitment consultant is in high demand in Canada.The applicant should have the relevant degree or diploma in Human Resources. Read More

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There are many reasons which have together made Canada one of the most sought-after international immigration destinations in the world. These include:

  • Canada is a very liberal country where immigrants are treated equally and there are no incidences of violence against them of any kind.
  • Canada already has a very large international immigrant community. Among them, Indians make up for a significant portion and they are known to be very supportive of new immigrants who move to Canada.
  • You can move to Canada with a PR or Permanent Resident Visa. This means that you get to enjoy almost all the benefits enjoyed by naturalized citizens of Canada.
  • Canada offers free healthcare and free education to all its PRs and citizens.
  • Canada has a booming economy where opportunities are plenty for those with enough experience and skill.
  • Though it is recommended that you move to Canada with a job offer, you can also choose to move to Canada without a job offer should your profession be in high demand.
  • Canada offers multiple pathways for immigration ranging from the federal Express Entry program to the provincial nomination programs of individual provinces.
  • If you need authentic help for making your application for Canada immigration (PR) visa, you should talk to our Canada immigration experts. We will be able to take care of every aspect of Canada immigration. Fill out our free assessment Form to get started today!

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