Jobs Opportunities In Australia – Apply PR Visa Now

Jobs Opportunities In Australia from – Apply PR Visa Now

Australia has the largest immigration program in the world for permanent migrants with 190,000 locations placed each year. A large part of the program around 70% is reserved for skilled migrants who bring in-demand skills to meet the needs of the Australian economy. Each year more than 128,000 permanent visas are issued to skilled migrants with the necessary skills.

The Australia Jobs 2018 report published by the Department of Jobs and Small Business Projects Job Growth will be the strongest in Health Care and Social Assistance, with the industry projected to deliver 250,500 jobs in five years.

Occupational development, scientific and technical services (126,400 jobs), construction (120,700 jobs), education and training (116,200 jobs) and housing and food services (97,600 jobs) are estimated to make major contributions to employment growth.

The largest employment generating industries in Australia are:-

Ø Health Care and Social Assistance

Ø Retail Trade

Ø Construction

Ø Professional, scientific and technical services

Ø Education and Training

   Health Care and Social Assistance – Health care and social support is Australia’s largest and fastest growing industry, with significant numbers of new jobs added in the past decade. In this industry large shares of workers are employed as professionals (42%) or community and personal service workers (31%).

The following top occupations in this industry are registered:-

Child Careers, Nursing Support and Personal Care Workers, Receptionists, Psychologists, Medical Technicians, Commercial Cleaners, Dental Assistants, Perfusiologist.

   Retail trade is Australia’s second largest employment industry providing good opportunities for young people to enter the labor market. Part-time work is common where a large portion of the workforce is aged between 15 and 24 years of age and after-school qualifications are often not required. Retail trade employment is projected to grow 3.7% in the five years to May 2023, compared to an estimated 7.1% increase in all industries. However, relatively strong growth is anticipated in many areas including non-store retailing (which includes online retailing) and hardware, building and garden supply retailing.

The following top occupations in this industry are registered:-

General Sales Assistant , Retail Manager, Pharmacy Sales Assistant, Service Station Attendants , Information Officer, Pharmacists, Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Managers .   

   Construction is a large employment industry and significant numbers of new jobs have been added in recent years. This growth, however, has slowed recently and employment has fallen slightly over the past year. Technicians and trade workers account for 51% of the workforce and most jobs are full-time (85%).

The following top occupations in this industry are registered:-

  Carpenters and Joiners, Civil Engineering Professionals, Accounting Clerk, Plumber, Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians, Concreters, Office Managers

   Australia’s fourth largest employment industry – commercial, scientific and technical services, is a large and diversified industry that provides legal and accounting services, veterinary services and computer systems design to the public. The top five businesses in the industry are accountants, software and application programmers, solicitors, graphic and web designers, and illustrators and advertising and marketing professionals.

The following top occupations in this industry are registered:-

Accountants, Software and Applications Programmers, Graphic and Web Designers, and Illustrators ,ICT Support Technicians, Civil Engineering Professionals, Chief Executives and Managing Directors, Database and Systems Administrators, and ICT Security Specialists, Accounting Clerks                                                

   Education and training is a huge and rapid growing industry. A significant portion are female (72%) and part-time work is common (39% jobs). About two-thirds of the workers in this industry are professionals (62%).

This workforce is highly educated and university education is often required. Only 9% of workers are aged between 15 and 24, largely due to the time taken to gain the required qualifications.

The following top occupations in this industry are registered:-

Primary school teacher, secondary school teacher, university lecturer and teacher, sports instructor, trainer and officer, commercial sweeper, receptionist

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